My Practice Philosophy

I strongly believe that our mind and body are interconnected and that our daily habits and choices have a significant impact on our overall well-being.

While medications and supplements are helpful, they are only part of the solution.

To truly address the root causes of issues like depression, anxiety or addiction, we need to take a holistic approach.

EMDR therapist and trauma informed psychiatrist

We will explore lifestyle changes and develop resilience through mindful self-compassion practice and psychotherapy options including EMDR, IFS, CBT and MI to address underlying thought patterns and emotional difficulties that are the root cause of your symptoms.

I also offer nuggets of Ayurvedic wisdom and recommend self-help books and apps to fellow enthusiasts.

In addition, I may refer you to specialized treatments like trauma sensitive yoga and couple’s therapy.

My goal for all of my patients is that they are comfortable and at ease in their body and mind and come to enjoy how awesome they ALREADY are.

I will help you learn adaptive responses to negative emotions and lean into and soak up positive emotions.

You will develop a deep sense of safety and find your place in this world.

You will feel you the have the right to take up space, make choices that work best for you and thrive.

You will finally recognize in your heart that you are certainly good enough and awesome as you are!

My Areas of Expertise

  • Trauma can be from life threatening events. It can also be from childhood emotional neglect or physical neglect. It can be related to emotional abuse, physical abuse or sexual abuse in childhood or in adult relationships. Also, if a life event overwhelms your capacity to cope and bothers you long after it has passed, this might have been traumatic for you.

    Trauma often means reliving your most horrible experiences day in and day out. If you are struggling with childhood trauma, you may find yourself feeling emotionally numb and facing particular challenges when it comes to experiencing positive emotions. Everyday events can frequently trigger you, leading to conflicting and intense emotions about various aspects of life. It is possible that you struggle with self-critical thoughts, shame, self-disgust, anxiety, or even feelings of being frozen and shut down. This turmoil can make it challenging to make decisions and move forward in positive ways. These difficulties may also affect your ability to care for and nurture yourself consistently.

    I am a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (level II ) and I am also trained in EMDR and IFS. I will help you live in the present and not be bogged down by traumatic memories. You will feel more at ease, safer, and better connected to yourself.

    You will finally realize in your mind, body and heart that : The most difficult part of trauma is over. You lived through it. You passed with flying colors!

    Please check out the treatment modalities below to learn more about EMDR and IFS.

  • Addiction is truly a disorder that affects the whole family. It can leave patients and families stuck in cycles of despair and shame. Addiction is often comorbid with depression, anxiety, insomnia and trauma, making it even more challenging. This is often referred to as dual diagnosis. Most often, unless you treat all the comorbid conditions, long term recovery can be difficult to achieve.

    I am a Board Certified Addiction Psychiatrist and love to help families impacted with Addiction. I will address addiction, trauma, depression, anxiety and insomnia all at the same time, helping you achieve the best outcomes. I also prescribe MAT (Medication assisted treatment-naltrexone, suboxone, etc) for alcohol use disorder and opioid use disorder. I am also trained in CBT and MI and can meet you where you are on your recovery journey, even if you are not entirely ready to quit yet.

    It is also not uncommon for patients with addiction to be unwilling for treatment. May be you are a family member trying to help your loved one with addiction. You may have tried many ways to help them and feel nothing has worked.

    Do not lose hope. Even If your loved one that has addiction is refusing treatment, I can help you using CRAFT to help them get into treatment.

    Research shows that when families implemented CRAFT methodology, over seventy percent of the time they were successful in getting their loved ones into treatment. More over, families reported feeling more empowered almost hundred percent of the time in dealing with addiction, even when their loved one never met a treatment provider!

    Please check out the services section of my website for more information on CRAFT.

  • Having a child with special needs means worrying about whether they will ever be independent, ever have their own family or if they will ever have friends. It can be painful to watch the kids struggle. It is much harder if you are also from a conservative culture trying raise kids in the US. That is why Special kids need Special Parents!

    I love working with parents of kids with special needs. I will help you manage the pain and anxiety of being a special parent. You will learn to find joy and happiness, even in the midst of it all.

    I will guide you towards the best resources and evidence-informed treatments that can benefit your child. I will help you figure out the right mix of warmth and structure, the secret sauce that can help your child grow, flourish and thrive!

  • Being a woman means facing challenges every day. If you work outside the home, burn out, anxiety and imposter syndrome may be crippling you. Navigating unfair workplace practices and balancing personal life at the same time can be even more daunting.

    You may be struggling with self-criticism and feelings of inadequacy that are additional internal stressors.

    I am passionate about working with you. I can help you reconnect with yourself, develop self-compassion skills, feel safe, connected and awesome. Together, we can do a lot!

  • Growing up in conservative cultures or even being a second generation immigrant can make life difficult in the western world. It might be hard to feel a sense of belonging or find balance between two cultures.

    It can be difficult to connect to the values of providers with a western world view given emphasis on individuality. It may even leave you feeling judged and misunderstood.

    Having similar life experiences, I realize that there is no right way to navigate life. There are compassionate ways and harsh ways. I will help you to consistently choose self-compassion, feel safe, foster a sense of belonging and connection to yourself and others.

    I love to help my people take up more space, feel at ease and feel awesome!

  • Tobacco use can make your depression and anxiety worse. You may be painfully aware that it is damaging your health and increasing your risk for cancer, yet may be unable to stop.

    I am a Nationally Certified Tobacco Treatment Professional and I have a lot of experience in helping my patients quit smoking. I can also help you quit other forms of tobacco like vaping and smokeless tobacco.

    You can get started on medications to help you cut down tobacco even if you are not ready to quit yet. Research studies show that starting medication prior to quitting dramatically increases your chances of quitting and staying quit. Even if you do not quit, cutting down tobacco use can have significant positive impact on your physical and mental health.

    Quitting tobacco is the single best thing you can do for yourself!

Treatment Modalities

My approach to mental health and wellness is holistic, culturally sensitive and collaborative to address underlying thought patterns and emotional difficulties that are the root cause of your symptoms. I integrate the following modalities along with a LOT of psychoeducation in my treatment plans.

When we know how the brain works, we can learn to work better with our brains!

  • Medications can be a helpful part of the treatment plan.

    When used in combination with psychotherapy and lifestyle changes, usually lower doses are very effective.

    We will discuss your medication options so that you are aware of the risks and benefits.

    I believe the key is being flexible - I will work with you to change any medication that is not working or causing unacceptable adverse effects.

  • I often recommend supplements as a great addition to the treatment plan, especially when labs indicate Vitamin deficiencies or to help you get from just better to feeling awesome.

    I offer pharmaceutical grade supplements via Fullscript at a small discount, though you are welcome to buy them any where else as well. You can find the link for my Fullscript page here.

  • I will order basic labs after initial assessment like a complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic panel, thyroid function tests, B12, folate, vitamin D levels, lipid panel, etc via Labcorp. You can also do these labs with your Primary care Provider.

    If you did any labs in the last three months, you can send them to me and I will order additional tests if necessary.

  • Depending on prior medication trials as well as family history and to increase your comfort level with medications we choose, I might order genetic testing. I partner with GeneSight for this test.

    GeneSight is a pharmacogenomic test that analyzes clinically important genetic variations that may affect your outcomes with certain medications. The results of the test can show which medications may require dose adjustments, may be less likely to work, or may have an increased risk of side effects based on your genetic makeup. You can find more information about the GeneSight test here.

  • How we spend our time, what we eat, the balance between rest and effort, all affect our mental and physical health. I will help you optimize sleep hygiene, nutrition, exercise and social connections to get the best long term results for mental health, optimal wellness and resilience.

  • Our mind and body are of course connected and influence one another. We will explore traditional mindfulness practices, mindful self-compassion, active meditations and trauma sensitive yoga as part of your comprehensive treatment plan.

    We can also explore your spiritual practice if you are open to it.

  • Tobacco use can make your depression and anxiety worse. You may be painfully aware that it is damaging your health and increasing your risk for cancer, yet may be unable to stop.

    I am a Nationally Certified Tobacco Treatment Professional and I have a lot of experience in helping my patients quit smoking. I can also help you to quit other forms of tobacco like vaping and smokeless tobacco.

    You can get started on medications to help you cut down tobacco even if you are not ready to quit yet. Research studies show that starting medication prior to quitting dramatically increases your chances of quitting and staying quit. Even if you do not quit, cutting down tobacco use can have significant positive impact on your physical and mental health.

    Quitting tobacco is the single best thing you can do for yourself!

  • Having a child with special needs means worrying about whether they will ever be independent, ever have their own family or if they will ever have friends. It can be painful to watch the kids struggle. It is much harder if you are also from a conservative culture trying raise kids in the US. That is why Special kids need Special Parents!

    I love working with parents of kids with special needs. I will help you manage the pain and anxiety of being a special parent. You will learn to find joy and happiness, even in the midst of it all.

    I will guide you towards the best resources and evidence-informed treatments that can benefit your child. I will help you figure out the right mix of warmth and structure, the secret sauce that can help your child grow, flourish and thrive!

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a targeted and time-limited form of psychotherapy used to address a wide range of psychological issues, such as depression, anxiety, and substance use. Unlike traditional therapy approaches that delve into early childhood experiences, CBT focuses on your current thoughts, behaviors, and communication patterns. Many studies have shown that CBT works just as well as medication for mild to moderate depression and anxiety.

    CBT techniques include learning relaxation practices, recognizing and responding to problematic automatic thoughts and thought distortions, developing hierarchy of anxiety inducing situations and conquering them one step at a time. CBT also helps you to learn how to help yourself so you can keep getting better even after the therapy is finished.

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence based therapy that helps people recover from trauma and PTSD. It involves focusing on the traumatic memory while doing eye movements or other bilateral stimulation. It has been proven effective for anxiety, depression, OCD, chronic pain, and addictions.

    Traumatic memories are often stored in fragmented forms and nonverbal implicit memories like body sensations and feeling memories. They are also often blocked from our thinking capacities, compassion and adult perspectives.

    It is very difficult to access and integrate these memories through traditional talk therapy. EMDR can be helpful to finally access and integrate these difficult experiences.

    EMDR is also great for building and strengthening internal resources and developing emotional resilience so that you can move through everyday life with grace and compassion.

  • Internal Family Systems therapy (IFS) is an evidence based therapy that can help with trauma. I am certified in Dr. Janina Fisher’s trauma treatment model that includes elements of IFS, EMDR and somatosensory approaches. This is based on the structural dissociation model which states that childhood trauma and emotional neglect can result in fragmentation of the self into thinking/cognitive every day self and several aspects of emotional self that result in internal conflict.

    If you are struggling with childhood trauma, you may find yourself feeling emotionally numb and facing particular challenges when it comes to experiencing positive emotions. Everyday events can frequently trigger you, leading to conflicting and intense emotions about various aspects of life. It is possible that you struggle with self-critical thoughts, shame, self-disgust, anxiety, or even feelings of being frozen and shut down. This turmoil can make it challenging to make decisions and move forward in positive ways. These difficulties may also affect your ability to care for and nurture yourself consistently.

    The goal of this therapy is to help you recognize these various parts, connect with and soothe them, so that you have the internal experience of a warm loving family than a warring tribe!

  • Motivational Interviewing (MI) is an evidence based psychotherapy method that helps to move you towards changing problematic behaviors like substance use. It is helpful to clarify your core values and can help you to reflect on how your current life and behavior reflect these values or contradict them. MI is based on principles of autonomy and self-efficacy and helps you to decide on next steps in your recovery journey from a menu of possible options. It is perfectly okay if you are ambivalent about recovery. All of us are ambivalent about many things in life! I will meet you where you are with MI and help you one step at a time.

  • Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) is an evidence-based therapy for friends and families of individuals with substance use disorders who refuse to get treatment.

    CRAFT therapists work with the families of patients with addiction to accomplish three major goals:

    1. To influence substance user (Identified patient IP) to seek treatment.

    2. Reduce IP’s alcohol/drug use.

    3. Improve psychosocial functioning of the family regardless of whether or not the IP enters treatment.

    CRAFT recognizes that only the IP can ultimately change their behavior, at the same time families often have much greater influence on the IP than they realize.

    CRAFT helps family members to take care of themselves, learn positive communication, break negative loops of behavior, identify trends and triggers for the IP’s substance use, modify the environment, reduce triggers and also learn how to respond to the IP’s substance use.

    Research shows that over 70% of IPs entered treatment when families implemented CRAFT methodology and almost all the families reported improved functioning and felt empowered to respond to their loved ones’ addiction.

    Yes! your loved one with addiction issues does not need to come to treatment sessions for CRAFT to help your family! I can help you to learn the core skills of CRAFT so that you can help your loved one.

  • If you struggle with self-critical thoughts or feeling inadequate, not good enough or shame, self dislike or self hatred, self-compassion can be like a healing elixir.

    Compassion focused psychotherapy aims to teach you specific practices you can integrate into your life to foster an internal sense of warmth and compassion.

    Self-compassion is a skill, it can be learned. You can learn more about this approach from Dr. Kristin Neff’s work on self-compassion here.

I offer both virtual sessions from the comfort of your home and in person services in my White Plains office.

My office is located close to the Greenburgh Public Library and has plenty of free parking.


297 Knollwood Road, Suite # 302, White Plains, NY 10607

Appointment types

  • You can share with me briefly the difficulties you are currently facing and the specific treatment options you are seeking. I am here to provide you with the information you need. If you have any questions about me, my treatment approach, fees, or billing, please don't hesitate to ask. It is important for you to feel comfortable and confident in choosing the right provider for you.

    Absolutely no hard feelings if you think we are not a great fit! You deserve to know that you are in good hands. I respect that.

    I will gladly direct you to other resources that may better meet your needs. I want to ensure that you find the right support for your journey.

  • This is a comprehensive 75 min psychiatric evaluation in my White Plains office or virtually for patients who are new to my practice. I will review your intake paperwork prior to the session. You will have the opportunity to talk freely and express your current concerns. We will also go over your past coping patterns, past medical history, treatment goals.

    We will come up with an initial treatment plan together including any combination of labs, genetic testing, medications, supplements, CBT, EMDR, compassion focused psychotherapy, mindfulness, trauma sensitive yoga and lifestyle changes.

  • This is a follow up appointment in my White Plains office or virtually for those who already established care with me. If you are seeing me primarily for medications, supplements, labs, genetic testing and lifestyle management, this may be the right fit for you.

    If you have a therapist you are already working with, or if you are not interested in psychotherapy at this time, 30min follow up is usually sufficient. However, if you have complex medical needs, it might be helpful to have longer appointment time at least for the first few visits.

    We can discuss the length and frequency of follow up appointments and decide together the right plan for your needs and budget. Please e-mail me if you have any questions.

  • This is a follow up appointment in my White Plains office for virtually for patients who have already established care with me. If you have complex medical needs or if you are interested in pursuing psychotherapy with me, this might be the right fit for you. We can discuss the length and frequency of follow up appointments and decide together the right plan for your needs and budget. Please e-mail me if you have any questions.

***Established patients Please click here to schedule a Follow up Appointment

Billing and Fees

Please be aware of the following billing practices.

  • I do not accept insurance or work with insurance companies in my practice directly, but I can provide an itemized receipt or superbill that may allow you to get some reimbursement from your insurance company if you have out-of-network benefits.

  • I charge the same fee for virtual and in person visit for the same type of service.

  • I accept payment via credit card only. Your credit card is kept securely on file in the electronic medical record keeping software.

self-compassion training

The Right fit agreement

If you let me know right after your initial comprehensive psychiatric evaluation that you do not want to work with me, I will issue a full refund.

You have the right to know that you are in good hands.

I respect that.

Ready to start?

Please click on the link below for a free consultation.

I look forward to speaking with you soon!